Our software experts are experienced engineers who provide expert witness services and litigation consulting to attorneys as well as product development assistance and training services to companies engaged in the design of computerized systems.

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Semantics, a large language ocean.

Research and Development

With a focus on R&D, Micromagine embedded software engineers go far and wide exploring the breadth of capabilities and fields of application for the next generation of industry hallmarks, identifying the potential pockets of growth for our customers.
Some of the latest examples of our R&D include studying and testing Android OS porting to custom hardware platforms and trying new dimension technologies such as motion controller in game development.

Embedded System Expertise

  • Deep experience across multiple embedded platforms (ARM Cortex M series, ARM64/aarch64, Intel x86-64)

  • Custom device driver design and implementation (Linux or microcontroller or otherwise)

  • Video- and audio-rate (or higher), low-latency DSP algorithms

  • Multi-threaded applications and data processing

  • Rapid prototyping

Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance of embedded systems is also available as a separate service for our clients. We provide testing and debugging for a range of embedded solutions.
To craft efficient, resilient, and infallible software, we’ve established two focused QA Labs: Firmware & Embedded QA Lab, and Mobile QA Lab, which are applicable during unit, integration, system, and acceptance testing.


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